Sunday, December 27, 2009

Wake up Pinoy!

Tell me! Are you really anxious to where are we heading? And do you think you really want for a change? In the present flow of things, I am in doubt that most Filipinos are hunger for a change - maybe tomorrow.

It is a fact that the behavior of the citizens of any country determines where a country is heading. You can even talk the whole year round with theories and plans for changes, but all will end up a futile attempt if it lacks a sense of seriousness and focus. Please, think about this: Do you think there is seriousness in ones effort if someone will just end up laughing at the flaws and ineffectiveness he noticed? If your answer is "yes," then you are going against all logic.
Filipinos like anybody else know what's the problem. But only few of us have taken the initiative to do his part of the effort. On the contrary, I am always hearing jokes suggesting the acceptance of wrong doings in the society. If we are really aiming for that change, we shall put an end to this kind of attitude, which have unwittingly found way to our normal way of thinking. In the media, for example, I have always been hearing broadcasters throw that seemingly harmless jokes of incompetence, mal-practice, and etc. to unwary listeners unsuspecting of its degenerative effects on their morals. And because the majority are uneducated to its harmful effects on their psyche, every time they hear it, they just laugh about it; which is, in fact, an act of acceptance.

Now is the time to put a stop to this unwholesome attitude and inclination. I know that speaking is easy than actually doing it; but, we have to, there's no other way - if we want a better life for all of us.

Thursday, December 10, 2009

Food support: a good move of Phil. government

Rice is the staple food here in the Philippines. In view of the present economic crises the world has been expriencing, I am glad with the government's strategy to keep the rice commodity at a lower price of 25 pesos per kilo, which is distributed, nation-wide, by the Philippine National Food Authority (NFA). With this price of rice, poor people could already buy food with their meager income. Without this effort of the government these times could be a real nightmare for the poor, as the prices of commercial rice ranges from 30 to more than 50 pesos already. To this, I want to say, Thank you so much President Gloria Macapagal Arroyo.